30.nov. - 1.dec.07

New family tradition for the 3 x Fs: 1st. weekend of December + 1st. weekend of June is DADA DAY.
We like to understand Dada as "trust your impulses & ignore conventions" - or "la grande totally Goofyness without rules"


The DadaDay concept came up a few weeks ago because of an enthusiastic idea of "spaghetti with nutella"
("nooo, this could only happen on a crazy day without any rules..." and here we are).
Nut/Spags never happened: but choco-potatoes is just as good, especially together with coca-cola-maïs.


Dada and D-I-Y go hand in hand: A bunch of straws and wupti, here are ninja masks and lasercannons.


any self-respecting "crazy day" includes building huge caves in molton and plastic bags

"I'm Right Here"

of course we slept in our cave!!


Elias made a shitty-fart - not as a Dada statement - a simple mishap.
Yet on this day, this meant an unexpected opportunity for shit-bag fascination.
(note: The bag idea was Etienne's idea, not papa!!)
(plus: the coincidence is genuine, elias did in his pants and the it ended on the floor)

I ended up loosing my cool and shouting at Etienne. but shouting was NOT allowed, as we had agreed when making DadaDay rules.
My punishment was to eat a raw egg, which I accepted against Etienne getting rid of the shit bag.

The Two Dada Rules Are:
1- no damage to persons or things may be permanent: everything must be in place / back to normal when the day is over;
2- no loosing your temper or shouting angrily - or you get sentenced to carry out a reprimand-task from the victims of the anger;


Drilling through a chewing gum - and generally playing with food = obvious hits.

Elias decided that since Distortion festival is all about being goofy, there should also be Dada Day during Distortion.
So the tradition was set: Dada Day is one weekend in June and one weekend in December....


We jump around just about every time we're home, so it's not particularly Dada at all, but hey: jumping is just about jumping!!




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